
Technologist, Creative, Organizer

Project Management

I am the founder and manager of Cleveland's art festival, Creation: A Celebration of Art, Music, and Life. Founded out of a desire to increase connections between art disciplines and "scenes" while acknowledging Cleveland's historical redlining that we still see the effects of today. Our most significant idea is that: when society provides protection for its most marginalized people, everybody is safer and happier as a result. Understanding the experiences of others strengthens our collective humanity, and that's what Creation was formed to do. We bring in guest speakers from non-profits and organizations to share information and resources with our attendees, such as housing vouchers for Black and trans people, free access to healthcare, and assistance obtaining social services. I am available for consultation and collaboration!


LGBT Center of Cleveland
Julia de Bergos Cultural Center
Tamir Rice Cultural Center
The Pleasure Gap
Cleveland Art Workers
Negative Space Gallery

Reach out, let's work together


Cleveland, OH


(216) 714-3081